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Pineapple Powder Ready to Use for Cake Ice Cream Shake

Original price was: ₹510.00.Current price is: ₹459.00. incl. GST

Strawberry Powder Ready to Use for Cake Ice Cream Shake

Original price was: ₹570.00.Current price is: ₹513.00. incl. GST
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Banana Powder Ready to Use for Cake Ice Cream Shake

Original price was: ₹510.00.Current price is: ₹459.00. incl. GST

Banana juice powder is a natural flavour enhancer and sweetening agent with an intact nutritional value. The extracted banana luice powder stays as the immune booster and powerhouse of protein by retaining the raw fruit’s unique fragrance, taste, and flavour. Our creamy whitish free flowing banana powder quickly dissolves when blended with milk, water, or any beverage, and it gets transformed into a fruit supplement for kids. Our natural ripe banana powder is conveniently introduced into instant mixes to leave a mild sugary undertone. Due to its medicinal properties, our banana fruit powder is implemented into beauty products. Great use in flavoured milk, beverages, health mix, health supplements, sweets, confectionery, chewing gums, instant mixes, nutraceuticals and syrups.

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Banana powder is prepared from Spray drying of Banana pulp juice in to free flowing powder. That ensures both shelf stability and convenience of use as ready to serve beverages at house hold or any other product requiring fruit solids. Such as ice creams, fruit custards, yoghurt, infant formulations and pharmaceutical products etc. The main advantages of the powder is its increased shelf life and maintained characteristics of the fruit like color, aroma and flavor. Also preserved nutritional properties such as vitamins and fiber content in addition, the powder is natural, without the addition of artificial preservatives, flavorings or colorings.

Bananas are the ultimate super fruit. Packed with endless vitamins and minerals in a delicious snack. There is no question as to why they are one of the world’s most popular fruits in today’s world. Everyone is discovering innovative ways to include as many super fruits such as bananas, in their regular diet. The banana powder digest easier and faster. Anyone who consumes a this  powder notices a positive change in their energy levels and health on the same day. The immediate outcomes include receiving an energy boost, relieving heartburn, beating constipation, improved digestion and more.

No flavour can come close to the chewing gums when they are packed with the taste of banana juice powder. Syrups flavoured with our banana juice powder will offer a mild sugary hint that nobody could resist. Flavoured milk and beverages offer a healthy sip after blending with our banana juice powder. Health mix and supplements make you experience a nutritional difference by introducing our banana juice powder into your tastebuds. Sweets and confectionery combined with our banana juice powder offer a sugary taste that won’t affect your health. Nutraceutical products join hands with our banana rich powder to make you stronger and healthier.

How to Use :

Banana Powder add great taste to shake, bengali and mawa sweets. Also it can be used in ice cream, cake, puddings like custard & kheer, cream pie, foster.  Use this powder as dietary supplements for digestion.

Mix 20 gm Banana Powder with 10 gm Thirsty Fresh whipping cream, 20 gm Sugar, and 300 ml Cold Milk to prepare tasty Banana milk shake.

Storage :

Store this product in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place.  If exposed to moisture and sunlight the product may lose its potency and pungency. When stored in proper conditions, the product has shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacturing.

Please take less than the prescribed amount of This Powder when you are using it for the first time.

Moreover, Thirsty Fresh products have great benefits such that you just need to prepare plain cuisine. And at the time of serving add or sprinkle required amount to the dish as per like, dislike or taste of members of the family.

So, forget about the time consuming and tearful process of slicing and chopping. And use Thirsty Fresh products to obtain the distinctive aroma and taste of the spice.

We also Offer this products in 500 gram quantity to buy from our online stores

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 7.5 × 2.5 × 11.5 cm



100g, 300g


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