Ginger Powder is known for its effects on stomach ailments, such as nausea, morning sickness, colic, gas and diarrhea. For this reason, it is often used as a tonic and added to foods, that contain cabbage, cauliflower and other gas-producing ingredients. Keep this powder on hand, for use in a variety of dishes. Ginger powder has various benefits, especially in Ayurvedic healing. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties, that help improve digestion. Also use this powder as an exceptional natural medicine, for treating common cold. It has anti-bacterial properties too, that help prevent any infections in the body. Most herbal medicines in the market will have a hint of ginger powder in it.
How to Use :
Use Ginger Powder in spices and masalas, curries and stews. Other than adding flavor, a pinch of this spice in rajma and chole masala can help prevent excess gas in stomach.
Add ginger powder to stews, soups, curries, casseroles and other dishes. It can also be used to spice up homemade pancakes and waffles.
A cup of masala chai is great for common cold or a sore throat. Mix cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, fennel and ginger powder to make a hot cup of tea.
Use it to add flavor to ginger candies, that help in treating flatulence.
Use it in face packs to prevent acne, and pimples. Mix this powder with milk, make a smooth paste, apply it on our face.
1 Teaspoon (5 gm) Thirsty Fresh Ginger powder = 2 Tablespoon (50 gm) sliced Ginger.
Storage :
Store this product in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place. If exposed to moisture and sunlight the product may lose its potency and pungency. When stored in proper conditions, the product has shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Please take less than the prescribed amount of Thirsty Fresh Ginger Powder when you are using it for the first time.
Moreover, Thirsty Fresh products have great benefits such that you just need to prepare plain cuisine. And at the time of serving add or sprinkle required amount to the dish as per like, dislike or taste of members of the family.
So, forget about the time consuming and tearful process of slicing and chopping. And use Thirsty Fresh products to obtain the distinctive aroma and taste of the spice.
We also Offer this products in 400 gram quantity to buy from our online stores
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