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Potato Powder Dehydrated Ready to Use for Kitchen

Original price was: ₹440.00.Current price is: ₹396.00. incl. GST

Orange Peel Powder Herbal Ready To Use for Face Skin & Hair

Original price was: ₹440.00.Current price is: ₹396.00. incl. GST
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Jamun Guthli Powder Herbal Ready Use for Diabetes Skin Health

Original price was: ₹440.00.Current price is: ₹396.00. incl. GST

Jamun is native to India and is known for its medicinal and health benefits. Jamun Seed Powder is considered to be the best remedy for diabetes. It contains dietary fiber, fats, proteins, various vitamins and minerals.

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Jamun Guthli powder acts as coolant, and helps in treating digestion related problems. Consuming this powder is also said to promote healthy bowel movement, which is a must for diabetics.

Jamun has adequate amount of iron, which makes it a natural blood purifier, and is also good for your skin.

Jamun guthli powder contains jamboline and jambosine, that slow down the rate of sugar released into the blood, and also increase the insulin levels in the body. Moreover, Blackberry seed Powder help promote healthy bowel movement, which is a must for diabetics.

Blackberry seeds are rich in flavonoids, which is a powerful antioxidant, and help in flushing out harmful free radicals from our body and aid in detoxification. Jamun seed powder can helps in improving the overall functioning of the immune system which is crucial for diabetics.

Blackberry seeds contain alkaloids, chemicals which prevent the conversion of starch into sugar and keep diabetes in check. Jamun seeds powder added in milk or water should be consumed every morning to help control blood sugar level naturally.

People suffering from anemia should include jamun seeds powder in their daily diet due to its high iron content. Diabetics who have low hemoglobin count must consume it daily.

Jamun seeds have the potential to lower blood pressure. Drinking Jamun seeds powder on a regular basis may help in reducing blood pressure.

How to Use :

Jamun Seed Powder offers a plethora of jamun seed benefits, including diabetes control, blood pressure regulation, boosted hemoglobin levels, antioxidant power, detoxifying properties, anti-inflammatory benefits, support for cardiovascular health, richness in essential vitamins, and assistance in weight management.

Add one teaspoon of jamun seed powder in glass of water, stir well. And drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach, it will work as a magic drink.

Storage :

Store this product in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place.  If exposed to moisture and sunlight the product may lose its potency and pungency. When stored in proper conditions, the product has shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacturing.

Please take less than the prescribed amount of Thirsty Fresh Jamun Guthli Powder when you are using it for the first time.

Moreover, Thirsty Fresh products have great benefits such that you just need to prepare plain cuisine. And at the time of serving add or sprinkle required amount to the dish as per like, dislike or taste of members of the family.

So, forget about the time consuming and tearful process of slicing and chopping. And use Thirsty Fresh products to obtain the distinctive aroma and taste of the spice.

We also Offer this products in 500 gram quantity to buy from our online stores

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 7.5 × 2.5 × 11.5 cm



100g, 400g


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